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Cesar Hirsch and the Pan Am Games: Building Pathways and Leaving a Legacy

Cesar Hirsch and the Pan Am Games: Building Pathways and Leaving a Legacy

Cesar Hirsch and the Pan Am Games: Building Pathways and Leaving a Legacy

Cesar Hirsch and the Pan Am Games: Building Pathways and Leaving a Legacy

Cesar Hirsch is the dynamic driving force behind the equestrian events at the Pan American Games 2023. The Venezuelan-born businessman, family-man and passionate horseman is President of the Pan Am...

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Caribbean Equine Relief Fund Director

Caribbean Equine Relief Fund Director

Cesar Hirsch is director of the Caribbean Equine Relief Fund (CERF), which is the only organization dedicated to aiding equines located in the islands of the Caribbean when a major natural disaster...

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Cesar Hirsch Re-Elected as Pan American Equestrian Confederation President

Cesar Hirsch Re-Elected as Pan American Equestrian Confederation President

Cesar Hirsch has been returned for a second successive four-year term as President of the Pan American Equestrian Confederation (PAEC).

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